Friday, February 24, 2012

Lung volume reduction surgery (lvrs, as well ...

Emphysema is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is determined by abnormal and permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles and associated with destruction of alveolar walls. destruction of alveolar walls leading to loss of elastic recoil, early closure of airways during exhalation, and air entrainment in the distal airspace. alveolar demolition of the formation of vesicles and emphysematous bullae results in loss of gas exchange surface (also known as increased physiological dead space). also capture air and then hyperinflation aperture in a flat configuration, rather than the normal dome shape, and put all the muscles of respiration to mechanical defect strain. Together, these processes result in refractory dyspnoea.19 anabol testo decrease in pulmonary surgery (LVRS, also called pneumoplasty reduction or bilateral Pneumonectomy) is a surgical treatment for patients with emphysema are shortness of breath poorly controlled with conventional treatment (eg short and long bronchodilators , inhaled glucocorticoids, supplemental oxygen and pulmonary rehabilitation) [

]. LVRS results in a decrease in pulmonary wedge excision of tissue emphysema. However, surgical morbidity is high and no pulmonary comorbidities may lasix 12.5mg interfere with the operation. bronchoscopy lung volume reduction (bLVR ) refers to techniques developed for the treatment of emphysema due to hyperinflation with a flexible bronchoscope. devices and methods for bLVR will be considered here. general management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, review of flexible bronchoscopy, as well as lung volume reduction operations, bullectomy and lung transplantation in the management advanced COPD is discussed separately. (see

and and s).

mechanisms by which lung volume reduction may benefit patients with emphysema is not known with certainty, however, considered that the removal of patients, hyperinflated region light will have the following advantages: ..

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